Happy Birthday

Over the years I often have heard parents go on on about how fast time flys and how quickly kids grow. In this first year I am certainly begining to realize how true this is - first hand. Grandparents, sorry this took a while to get posted, looking back at of the pictures it was so hard to choose favorites. When I began pulling together this video, I started by watching the first one I made a year ago. Wow. She actually took her first steps last night. She has been get increasingly brave standing up on her own, so with considerable prodding from Mol and I we got her to take a couple steps before falling into our arms. That moment was everything and more that I thought it would be.

Additionally, with thanksgiving just around the corner, Mol and I have talking about how overwhelmed we are with how much we have to be thankful for.

This first year as a Dad has been the most amazing year of my life. Thank you Mia for bringing so much joy in my life and in the lives of literally everyone you smile at.

Lastly, thanks Mol, I knew you were going to be an amazing mother, but wow. You set a new standard for amazing. I am so lucky to be on this journey with you - each and every day.

Happy Birthday Mia, Love Mom and Dad


Erin said...

this almost made me cry!! What a great year it was, so glad we've gotten to be a part of it!

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