Sunday was my first fathers day, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. I got to sleep in a bit, and then was finally woken up by my daughters infectious giggling and screaming.
Then I went fishing with my Brother and Dad.

While they were fishing, I kept busy chasing this cool dragonfly.

I was in the middle of changing lens when my Dad caught this one, even though he got the fish, I call this "the picture that got away".

Back at the cabin we took a relaxing pontoon ride around the lake. My Dad finally got to show off his granddaughter to the neighbors down the way. She got to hangout in her favorite floaty.

The neighbors had a new dog toy that uses .22 shell to launch a dog toy out into the lake. I jumped at the chance to take a few pictures of Buddy leaping off the dock.

Finally, while we were docking the boat, my Dad started bragging to our other neighbors about my photography. (Thanks Dad!) So then I ended up going out in their speedboat to snap a few of them having a blast on tubes.

Here is the full Tubing Album, I caught a couple wipe out sequences that looked pretty amazing.
A huge thanks to my wife, and family for making this day one to remember.
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