So with Mol in Mexico - Mia is stuck wearing far more practical outfits than cute. And I am catching a small glimpse of how hard it would be to be a single parent. I qualify it as a very small glimpse because I am getting plenty of help - tonight will be the only dinner I will have cooked for myself. (Leftovers from last nights meal cooked by Erik and Mady)
Mol has the camera with her - so the low res iPhone pics will have to suffice.

I love it when stuff just works. I think most of you have seen me demo the iPhone app - Remote - in my basement. Its great - but I have found I don't listen to much music in the basement. I have wanted to put another "zone" in the kitchen for a while - I kept getting stuck on wanting to put the speakers on the cabinet opposite the sink - but there is no power in that wall. Saturday I even started down the path of installing an outlet up through that wall, but quickly realized that would have been more than a day project. So I can give the rest of the placement specific later if anyone cares - the important part is how simple the technology is. And cheap when compared to other marketed solutions like the Bose Sound Link ($550) or SONOS ($1000).
Because I already have the iPhone and a wireless router (which most normal people already have :) - adding a wireless music "zone" is only $200.
The key components: Apple Airport Express ($99) and the Bose Companion 2 Speakers ($89)
What makes the Airport Express so clutch is its built in headphone style audio output jack. And while every other Bose product is way over priced - the Companion series isn't - and still sounds amazing. Even better than the super popular iPod dock speakers.
Now - with my iPhone - I can choose which rooms I want music in - (computer, basement, and kitchen.)
On a cute note - Mol had me record a video of her reading a book - for me to play to Mia while she is gone. She absolutely loves it - she giggles in this cute half laugh half cry - like oh I am happy to see you, but I miss you too...
Oh man, that is so cute about the video of her reading a book! What night are you going to come over to our house?
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