Life in Fast Forward
Its hard to believe Mia is 6 months already! (tomorrow) I think this first year of her life will seem like the fastest year of mine. She is doing really well, almost sitting up by herself, hasn't quite figured out how to roll from her stomach to back. But I think what I am most grateful for is her unique personality. She can entertain a whole room with her random outbursts, laughter, and screams - much like her mother. Then at other times she is perfectly content, just observing from the corner, quietly taking it all in - like her Dad. She has allowed us to maintain somewhat of a social life, by being so laid back - Thanks Mia.
She has also been very interested in big people food lately - so we decided to start her on rice cereal when Mol got back from Mexico. In classic new parent form - we had to video tape it. Its really not that interesting - so I sped it up - and put it to a song by Phoenix, that we are rocking out to on a daily basis. (on the rockin new kitchen speakers, which I love more everyday.) And the good news is Mol loves them too.
With spring in the air - we went to explore getting a new stroller. Even though mol and I do not run we wanted something with big wheels that can be used at the cabins. There was only the floor model left of the one we liked with 20% off plus being on clearance... Plus we squeezed them for another $10 off because the pedometer was broken... We couldn't pass up a deal that sweet. Mia seems to like it - she loves being able to look around.
If you are snob like me - you can watch it in HD at Vimeo.
In some ways this video is an analogy, for the last six months - a blur at times, with moments of pure bliss, that really stick with me.
Left to my own Devices
So with Mol in Mexico - Mia is stuck wearing far more practical outfits than cute. And I am catching a small glimpse of how hard it would be to be a single parent. I qualify it as a very small glimpse because I am getting plenty of help - tonight will be the only dinner I will have cooked for myself. (Leftovers from last nights meal cooked by Erik and Mady)
Mol has the camera with her - so the low res iPhone pics will have to suffice.

I love it when stuff just works. I think most of you have seen me demo the iPhone app - Remote - in my basement. Its great - but I have found I don't listen to much music in the basement. I have wanted to put another "zone" in the kitchen for a while - I kept getting stuck on wanting to put the speakers on the cabinet opposite the sink - but there is no power in that wall. Saturday I even started down the path of installing an outlet up through that wall, but quickly realized that would have been more than a day project. So I can give the rest of the placement specific later if anyone cares - the important part is how simple the technology is. And cheap when compared to other marketed solutions like the Bose Sound Link ($550) or SONOS ($1000).
Because I already have the iPhone and a wireless router (which most normal people already have :) - adding a wireless music "zone" is only $200.
The key components: Apple Airport Express ($99) and the Bose Companion 2 Speakers ($89)
What makes the Airport Express so clutch is its built in headphone style audio output jack. And while every other Bose product is way over priced - the Companion series isn't - and still sounds amazing. Even better than the super popular iPod dock speakers.
Now - with my iPhone - I can choose which rooms I want music in - (computer, basement, and kitchen.)
On a cute note - Mol had me record a video of her reading a book - for me to play to Mia while she is gone. She absolutely loves it - she giggles in this cute half laugh half cry - like oh I am happy to see you, but I miss you too...