I have to be honest, when my friend Andrew told me they were doing their next documentary on the Gold Medal Olympic hockey team, I assumed it was the about 1980 team. It turns out the story of the 1960 team is just as, if not more fascinating. I was actually invited to tag along with Andrew and Tommy for a day while they were shooting in the Twin Cites. Not only was it cool to see them do their thing, getting to meet two of the 1960 team members in person was pretty special - I had never met an a gold medalist before. They even let me look at the actual medal. It was really refreshing to see someone who has truly accomplished something great, demonstrate such humility.
If it wasn't for this film I think a lot of people would have never known this great bit of history. Similar to their first hockey doc Pond Hockey, these guys know how to make great films that everyone can enjoy hockey fan or not. Order both as great gifts this holiday on forgottenmiracle.com
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